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Esame delle migliori arringhe della storia. Come Gerry Spence riuscì ad ottenere un risarcimento da 10 milioni di dollari con in mano solo pochi elementi indiziari. Terza Parte Featured

Scritto da Avv. Federico Pau
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In questo ciclo esaminiamo alcune delle migliori arringhe (closing arguments) della storia, analizzandole e spiegando - passo passo - perché hanno funzionato.


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Rubrica a cura dell’avv. Federico Pau

Qualcuno potrà chiedersi, ma perché parliamo di arringhe di avvocati americani? Perché quello americano è un sistema che incentiva gli avvocati migliori dal punto di vista processuale ed è per questo che ha visto la nascita di avvocati con caratteristiche comunicative e persuasiva eccellenti (ad esempio Gerry Spence non ha mai perso una causa penale in tutta la sia carriera: dato facilmente confermabile, per i più diffidenti, con una semplice ricerca su google).

Ciò è influenzato almeno da tre ordini di ragioni di sistema (assenti in molti altri sistemi come, per l’appunto, quello italiano): la prima ragione è che i cittadini ed i colleghi avvocati, negli Stati Uniti, conoscono le percentuale di successo processuale di un avvocato (oggi il dato è addirittura accessibile online da chiunque in pochi secondi) e, quindi, trattandosi di un aspetto che si riflette in maniera diretta sulla propria reputazione e considerazione da parte della società, nasce un incentivo fortissimo a diventare il miglior avvocato che si è in grado di essere (e nessuno può nel contempo nascondere al pubblico, come ahimè avviene in altri sistemi, la propria incompetenza); in secondo luogo, questo stesso fattore (l’esito dei giudizi seguiti) viene considerato favorevolmente ai fini carrieristici sia in ambito privato sia in ambito pubblico, chi vince la cause fa carriera in pratica; in terzo luogo, la parcella dell’avvocato nelle cause riguardanti un risarcimento si parametra su una percentuale del risarcimento stesso, quindi l’avvocato ha tutto l’interesse, anche personale, a vincere (ed a stravincerle negli importi).

La scala dell’eccellenza progredisce nei sistemi che integrano verifiche ed incentivi. Come d’altronde avviene in ambito sportivo. Molti sono i momenti storici in cui uno sportivo ha raggiunto un traguardo che prima di allora si riteneva “impossibile” a livello di prestazioni umane, e ciò è sempre accaduto all’interno di sistemi (es. preparazione ai giochi olimpici, sportivi professionisti) che incentivano l’eccellenza, con il riconoscimento personale e sociale (es. medaglia d’oro olimpica) ed i premi in denaro. Mentre al di fuori di questi sistemi di incentivazione, ad esempio, al di fuori di chi compete per le olimpiadi o come professionista, non vi sarà mai un pari livello di eccellenza perché semplicemente il sistema non la verifica né incentiva.

Io dal mio personalissimo punto di vista, ho sempre cercato di operare “come se” fossi in un sistema che premia l’eccellenza, che incentiva i migliori, segnando e tenendo sempre con me un file con ogni singolo risultato processuale, che rispecchia in maniera chiara e semplice i miei risultati di un dato anno. Regola che ho tramandato e che oggi applica a sé stesso ciascuno dei collaboratori del nostro studio. D’altronde, dice un vecchio adagio, quando si tengono i punti la partita la si gioca molto meglio.


Esaminiamo quindi la terza parte dell’arringa conclusiva sviluppata da Gerry Spence contro la centrale nucleare Kerr-McGee Corp, che ha da ultimo condotto ad un risarcimento eccedente i dieci milioni di euro per la morte della signorina Karen Silkwood. Vediamo la terza parte.


And I want to tell you something else – that it is danger – that is why we are talking about exemplary and punitive damages, to stop those kind of lies, to stop that kind of action. Right today, sitting out there at that plant are the trailers with the waste in them.


L’avvocato Spence, nell’ultimo segmento esaminato nella seconda parte di questa analisi, aveva appena “inchiodato” la controparte provando che la stessa aveva affermato qualcosa che chiaramente era una menzogna. Prosegue immediatamente per creare l’associazione tra menzogna e punizione, il tutto ben incorniciato nel porre enfasi sul ruolo, determinante, che possono avere in tutto questo i giudicanti / giurati, che potrebbero così sentirsi gli eroi di questa storia punendo il “cattivo”.


They are not covered by any kind of a vault. They are full of radioactivity. All you have to have is a good strong wind to hit one of those trailers that are sitting there today at this moment as my words come out of my mouth, and pollute the whole countryside. I talked about negligent construction of the plant – that is one of our claims. Can you imagine?


Do you remember young Apperson sitting there [gesturing]? You remember his open face – I liked him a lot – an open, honest boy – blond, curly hair – you remember him, two and a half months ago?


In questo segmento notiamo l’utilizzo di un’altra tecnica; da un lato, Spence crea un’immagine con le proprie parole, e dall’altro, con il corretto uso di aggettivi (open face, open, honest, I liked him a lot) e ponendo l’attenzione sulle caratteristiche estetiche favorevoli (blond, curly hair, cfr. c.d. effetto alone), crea una c.d. “etichetta”, favorevole, per il proprio testimone. Questo perché ne sta per riportare la versione, e prima di farlo deve creare credibilità a favore dello stesso (nell’usare i concetti classici si parlerebbe di ethos, nell’usare la struttura moderna si parlerebbe di persuadere il cervello rettile, che deve essere “agganciato” prima di coinvolgere il cervello limbico e la corteccia).


He said, “Thirty percent of the pipes weren’t welded when I came, when the plant was opened. Thirty percent of the pipes were welded after the plant was in operation, and I was there and I saw those old welds.” And he wasn’t a certified welder himself, and he was teaching people in an hour or two to be welders themselves – not a certified welder on the job. “There was things leaking everywhere,” he said. You remember how he was describing how he was there welding the pipe and they jerked the oxygen out, and he had to gasp for air – the contamination – to survive the moment?

Jim Smith talked about the valves breaking up from the acid. So much for the design of the plant.


What about the attitude of the management that followed? You know, you can have a gun – most of us in my country know about guns – we use guns – we use guns to go hunting, and it’s just a tradition in the West. They probably are for many of us folks. Now, a gun is safe in the hands of somebody that believes it is dangerous. If you do not believe it is dangerous, it isn’t safe – if you don’t understand a gun – if you don’t respect it.


Per comunicare utilizza anche in questo caso un’analogia (tecnicamente, per i più precisi, si parla di un’analogia quando si accosta la situazione ad un'altra, mentre la metafora sarebbe il linguaggio figurato, ma molti parlerebbero di metafora anche in questo caso).


Now, what about management? The first manager out there said, “Sure, you can breathe in a pollen-size particle of plutonium and it won’t even hurt you.” You heard the experts say that a pollen-size of plutonium is lethal. Hammock, the highway patrolman, was talking about how they shoveled up the contamination in the dirt, threw it over the fence, and how the rocks and dirt contaminated – how they played with the uranium, threw it around. One person was telling us about how they took it home and gave it to one of their children.


Notiamo come la storia è narrata secondo un gioco di contrapposizione, le citazioni dei “buoni”, di cui sopra, e quelle dei “cattivi”, che nuovamente vengono rappresentati come mentitori, ed associati alla negligenza.


Would $70 million stop that? Is it enough? Is two weeks’ pay enough to dock them for that? Plowman [one of the plant managers] said, you could give $500 million if you think that is right.


Qui aggancia un altro pungente parametro alla misura del risarcimento. Non sono tanto 70 milioni quanto la paga di due settimane di lavoro.


Plowman said that he resigned his job because of his concern for the plant operations. Here’s a quote: “The major factor was that I didn’t like the way the plant was running. I felt that the plutonium plant program was going the same way the uranium plant program was going. I just didn’t think I could take much more of it. It seems like things were going from one emergency to another. Nothing was right. I hardly knew where to begin. Contamination was everywhere. The equipment leaked. There was no real effort to control it.”


Continua la narrazione della storia. Notare come Spence sia solito raccontare le storie attraverso le parole di terze persone. Ciò aumenta la credibilità (ethos) di ciò che viene detto rispetto a quella che avrebbe se pronunciasse una parafrasi, proveniente da lui stesso, dei concetti, delle affermazioni e di tutto ciò che è ulteriormente emerso nel corso del processo.


No real effort to control it. Can you hear their witness saying, “Containment is the name of the game. The men were so contaminated on their arms and hands that you couldn’t get it off without peeling their hides. They went home like this nearly every night.” And then he stopped them taking the truck to town, because they always washed it in the car wash, and it would contaminate the town, and the sewer system in the town.


Well, I look at Zitting [a Kerr-McGee manager]. He was the man over everybody. He was an adverse, hostile witness – and I called him in my case. Why would anybody do something that silly? Well, I wanted you to see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears what that man knew, who was in charge of this whole lashup. The buck stopped with him. He’s like the commander-in-chief, like our president. Now, the president doesn’t need to know everything, but when he sends a bomb, he knows it.

When he sends the troops, he knows it. When he’s involved with the lives of thousands of people, he knows it, because the buck stops with him, and he’s the one with all the ultimate responsibility. And so was Mr. Zitting, who didn’t know a damn thing about that plant, or what was going on. He said repeatedly, “I don’t recall.”

I showed him 574 worker contamination reports. Five hundred seventy-four were marched up and dumped right here on this stand, and I said, “What about those?” And do you know what he said to me – you remember? “This is the first time I have ever seen those,” in this courtroom. That is the kind of management, that is the kind of caring. I asked him about the truck that was leaking, that they buried parts of. He said he never heard of it before. Is there any wonder that Mr. Keppler of the AEC [Atomic Energy Commission] – poor Mr. Keppler – I probably pushed him a little further than I should have – I hope you don’t hold that against me, but I wanted to shake out the last bit of information I could from him so you could see it. Poor Mr. Keppler said, “I was of the opinion I couldn’t find anybody knowledgeable enough in management who knew anything about it, or who cared.”

This is the man who said, when I asked him, “Were you ever” – here is an actual question – “Were you ever advised by anybody that employees were of the opinion that any amount of plutonium could be taken out of that plant?” He said, “No, I never heard of it.”


Spence prosegue la narrazione della storia, sempre attraverso le parole di terzi, riportando una serie di frasi, decontestualizzate, provenienti da testimoni della controparte, che dipingono ulteriormente i caratteri negativi della controparte, che mente e si mostra negligente.


Was production put over safety? What did they do with a contaminated room? Did they ever stop production? Is there any evidence that they even once stopped production? If they did stop production for a contaminated room, don’t you think they would have brought somebody in, in five years? Not once.

They painted it one hundred gallons of paint, and “It is chipping off today” to this very day. Dr. Morgan [plaintiff’s expert witness] called that reckless. You know why it is reckless? Because as it chips of, it comes down in a fine powder form and can be breathed into your lungs. “How big a piece do you breathe into your lungs?” “Nobody knows.” “Do you know when you breathe it into your lungs?” “No. Nobody knows if you breathe it. It is too late after you breathe it, and once you get it from the air sample, by the time you get it in the air sample, it is twenty-four hours too late, or longer now.”

By the time you understand you have been poisoned, the poisoning has already happened. That is why it is negligence. That is why it is callous. That is why Dr. Morgan said, “It is worse than reckless.”


Ora, da un lato fa una serie di domande retoriche di modo tale che siano i giudicanti a rispondersi (le persone credono di più nelle “realizzazioni” a cui giungono da sole piuttosto che nelle verità che un terzo cerca di offrirgli come verità preconfezionate).

Ci dice che sono stati negligenti attraverso le parole del proprio perito di parte.

Ed infine aggiunge un’immagine che suscita paura e raccapriccio (associati di tal guisa con la posizione della controparte).


Documented doctored X rays. They were always behind. Always behind. They denied that, but they were always behind. Finally Zitting admitted, when I took him through the monthly reports you remember that ‘Yes, they were behind.” And Hammock said they were shipping defective pins. It just turns my guts. They were shipping defective pins to a breeder reactor knowing they were defective, to Washington where people the state of Washington where people are going to somehow be subjected to the first breeder reactor in this country. Here is the actual testimony of Hammock. Now, hear this. He said, “The rods were defective because they had a bad weld, or too large a weld sealing in the plutonium pellets.” This is an exact quote. “Even though we rejected them, we would go ahead and ship them because we were too far behind in production. The workers, on orders from the supervisors, would simply sand down the welds, which weakened them.”


Now, I want to tell you something. That evidence is before you. It is uncontradicted. If that wasn’t true, they would have brought somebody here to tell differently. Now, here we are next on training. I talked a good bit about that. I was satisfied, I will admit I was satisfied with my $10 million request which the judge now says the sky is the limit I was satisfied with that $10 million request until I heard about the training. I almost didn’t come out for the next round after that. I couldn’t get over it I couldn’t sleep I couldn’t believe what I had heard. I don’t know how it affected you”.


Nel precedente trafiletto procede il lavoro di citazione delle parole di terzi attraverso le quali continua a prendere forma la storia.

Spence procedere, passando, in questa ultima parte, al quantum del risarcimento. Sostanzialmente gli suggerisce, senza dirlo, come si dovrebbero sentire riguardo al comportamento della controparte. Ciò viene fatto condividendo la sua “personale” sensazione aggiunto da una frase del tipo “non so cosa abbiate provato voi, come cosa questo abbia suscitato in voi” (a quel punto è più facile che si dicano “mi sento così anch’io”).

Infine, di seguito un ottimo esempio di come le parole di ampio impatto emotivo si possano marchiare nella testa di chi ci ascolta, in maniera indelebile, grazie alla ripetizione (in questo caso della parola “cancro”, ripetuta 18 volte).


Maybe you get so numb after a while I guess people just stand and say, “Exposure, exposure, exposure, exposure, exposure cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer,” until you don’t hear it anymore. Maybe that is what happens to us. I tell you, if it is throbbing in your breast if cancer is eating at your guts, or it’s eating at your lungs, or it’s gnawing away at your gonads, and you’re losing your life, and your manhood, and your womanhood, and your child, or your children, it then has meaning they are not just words.


Per oggi concludo così. Rinviando alla prossima occasione per l’esame del proseguo dell’incredibile arringa conclusiva di Spence.



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