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I grandi discorsi: che muovono, ispirano, emozionano, fanno prendere decisioni; come il loro studio può permetterci di essere avvocati migliori. Discorso 3. Featured

Scritto da Avv. Federico Pau
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Questa serie di articoli è pensata per gli avvocati, dottori, e collaboratori del nostro studio DLP, per un continuo esponenziale miglioramento.

All’interno della serie riporterò alcuni “discorsi” degni di pregio provenienti da personaggi noti, discorsi ricchi di significato e capaci di suscitare emozioni e di ispirare; ciò per darvi dei concreti esempi di “come”, tramite il linguaggio, sia possibile ispirare, emozionare, e “muovere” chi ci ascolta.


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 Ti aiutiamo, grazie agli strumenti della pianificazione internazionale: - a proteggere il tuo patrimonio, conti correnti, immobili, beni, e renderli "intoccabili", con trust, società estere od altri strumenti avanzati di protezione; - a ridurre o azzerare le tasse pianificando il trasferimento all'estero della tua impresa, attività e/o dei tuoi assets, aprendo società estere, o trasferendo la tua residenza fiscale all'estero, utilizzando tutti i paradisi fiscali a tuo vantaggio; - a creare un PIANO B, per tutelarti qualsiasi cosa accada in Europa, anche acquisendo molteplici permessi esteri di residenza permanente o di lungo periodo, o persino seconde cittadinanze;


 Ti difendiamo e creiamo per te la strategia migliore per arrivare alla tua assoluzione totale.


 Ti aiutiamo a far valere le tue ragioni, e puoi affidarci il compito di scrivere e diffidare o “denunciare” - in qualità di tuoi avvocati - chi non ti ha pagato o chi ti sta recando un danno od un disagio.

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D’altronde, un avvocato è (o almeno dovrebbe essere) un grandissimo oratore ed - a maggior ragione perché l’Università non vi prepara in alcun modo per esserlo - andremo a colmare oggi questa lacuna, per rendervi dei professionisti ed avvocati straordinari.

Discorso del 2018 di Arnold Schwarzenegger su cosa serve per avere successo.


Work your ass off. There is no magic pill. It drives me crazy to go to the gym. If read one hour a day, I went and worked out five hours a day and I was working on construction. We have 24 hours a day, organize your day, work hard.

I’m here to talk about success.

I went to college, I went and worked out five hours a day and I was working in construction because in those days in bodybuilding there was no money.

We didn’t – I didn’t have the money for food supplements or anything, so I had to go to work. So I worked in construction. I went to college. I worked out in the gym and at night from 8 o’clock at night to 12 midnight.

I went to acting class, four times a week.

As I did all that, there was not one single minute that I wasted and this is why I’m standing here today.

At the age of 20, I went to London and I won the Mr. Universe contest as the youngest Mr. Universe ever and it was because I had a goal.

You see if you don’t have a vision of where you’re going, if you don’t have a goal where you go, you drift around and you never end up anywhere.

74% of people hate their job in America. The majority of people don’t like what they’re doing because they’re really not doing it because they didn’t have a goal and they followed this goal, they’re just aimlessly drift around and [all of sudden] there’s a job opening, so they get the job because you have the work.

But then when you work, it’s a chore. It’s work. It’s not fun. So if you think about, only a quarter of the people really enjoy what they’re doing in life. So people always ask me when they saw me in the gym, in the pumping iron days, they say why is that you are working out so hard, five hours a day, six hours a day and you have always a smile on your face.

The others are working out just as hard as you do and then look sour in the face. Why is that?

And I told people all the time I said, because to me I am shooting for a goal.

In front of me is the Mr. Universe title. So every rep that I do gets me closer to accomplishing that goal to make this goal, this vision turn into reality, every single set that I do, every repetition, every weight that I lift will get me a step closer to turn this goal into a reality.

So I couldn’t wait to do another 500 pound squat.

I couldn’t wait to do another 500 pound bench press.

I couldn’t wait to do another 2,000 reps of sit-ups.

I couldn’t wait for the next exercise.

So let me tell you something visualizing your goal and going after it makes it fun. You got to have a purpose no matter what you do in life. You got to have a purpose.

Mohammed Ali worked his butt off. And I saw it first hand.

I remember that there was a sports writer that was there in the gym when he was working out, he was doing sit-ups. And he asked him how many sit-ups do you do. And he said, I don’t start counting until it hurts. Now, think about it.

He doesn’t start counting his sit-ups until he feels pain that’s when he starts counting. That is working hard.

And so you can’t get around the hard work, it doesn’t matter who it is, work your ass off. There is no magic pill. There is no magic out there. You cannot get around, you have to work and work and work, make sure of this and make sure of that and all the stuff, so it’s work.

And it drives me crazy when people say they don’t have enough time to go to the gym for 45 minutes a day and workout – or to do something for 45 minutes to an hour a day to improve – if it is physically improve or if it is mentally to improve.

Imagine you read one hour a day about history, how much you will learn after 365 hours in one year.

Think about if you study about the history of musicians, of composers, how much you would know?

Imagine if we would work on the business and some business that you wanted to develop every day for an hour, imagine how further along you will go and get?

So it drives me nuts because we have when people say we don’t have the time, we have 24 hours a day, we sleep six hours a day, so it gives you still 18 hours.

There’s someone shaking their head out here in front to say probably, I don’t sleep six hours, I sleep eight hours, right? Or just sleep faster.

So we have 18 hours a day, the average person works around 8 to 10 hours. So let’s assume it’s 10 hours, so we have eight hours left. Then you travel around an hour a day, maybe two hours a day, so now you have still six hours left.

So what do you do with these six hours?

What do you do with these six hours?

Then we eat a little bit then we snooze a little, talk a little bit to people and all that stuff, but you can see how much time that is available if you organize your day.

So you got to work hard.

I hate Plan B. And I tell you why because we have so many doubters as I’ve said earlier the no sayers.

We have so many of those people did say ‘no’ and ‘you can’t do it, it’s impossible’.

That is okay because we just turn off. As I said earlier we listen and we hear the ‘no’ being a ‘yes’, ‘you can’t do it’ ‘do it’, ‘you can do it’ and all that. So that that is possible to do that amongst all the negative people around you. But when you start doubting yourself, that’s very dangerous because now what you’re basically saying is, is that if my plan doesn’t work, I have a fall back plan, I have a plan B. And that means that you start thinking about Plan B and every thought that you put into Plan B, you’re taking away now that thought and that energy from Plan A.

And it’s very important to understand that we function better if there is no safety net because Plan B becomes a safety net. It says that if I fail, then I fall and I get picked up and I have something else there that means it will protect me.

And that’s not good because people perform better when there’s no safety net, people perform better in sports and everything else if you don’t have a Plan B.

I’m telling you, I’ve never ever had a Plan B.

I said I made a full commitment that I’m going to go and be a bodybuilding champion.

I made a full commitment that I’m going to be in America.

I made a full commitment that I’m going get into show business and I’m going to be a leading man no matter what it takes, I will do the work.

I will do the work over and over and over until I get it and the same was in politics and everything like that.

So to me, it is very dangerous to have a Plan B because you’re cutting yourself off from the chance of really succeeding.

And the reason – one of the main reasons why people want to have a Plan B is because they are worried about failing. What is if I fail then I don’t have anything else.

Well let me tell you something, don’t be afraid of failing because there’s nothing wrong with failing. You have to fail in order to climb that ladder. There’s no one that doesn’t fail.

Michael Jordan said in one of his interviews when they said you’re unbelievably the greatest basketball player of all times. I mean tell me about that? And he says, well you are just mentioning their successes, but he says for me to become the greatest basketball player I missed 9,000 shots when I was playing basketball in the NBA Games.

So during these games where he was so successful, he missed 9,000 shots.

Does it make him a failure? No.

He is one of the greatest basketball players of all times, but he failed 9,000 times.

Do you get it?

We all fail. It’s okay. What is not okay is, that when you fail and you stay down, whoever stays down is a loser and winners will fail and get up, fail and get up, fail and get up. You always get up that is a winner. That is a winner.

I failed in bodybuilding. I lost bodybuilding competitions. I lost power lifting competitions. I lost weightlifting competitions. I had movies that went into the toilet and that were terrible and got the worst reviews. And in politics, I remember, I had many of the initiatives on the ballot and we lost.

My approval rating in California went down to 28% and then it went back up again and I won again the governorship.

Hey, we all lose. We all have losses and it’s okay, that’s why I say don’t be worried about losing because when you’re afraid of losing then you get frozen, you get stiff, you’re not relaxed. You got to be in order to perform well in anything if it’s in boxing or if it is on your job or with your thinking, it’s only happening when you relax. So relax. It’s okay to fail.

Let’s just go all out and give it everything that you’ve got. That’s what it is all about. So don’t be afraid to fail.



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